
This is the website for Dr Richard Motley, MA MD FRCP FAcadMEd, Consultant in Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, at the Welsh Institute of Dermatology

Dr Motley.uk portrait

Dr Motley qualified in Medicine from Cambridge University and St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School, London.  After training in Internal (General) Medicine, he trained in Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery in Cardiff, Lisbon and Miami.

He has been Consultant in Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the Welsh Institute of Dermatology, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, since 1994.  He established the Cardiff Teledermatology service in 2005 and received an NHS Wales award for Innovation in Healthcare for this service in 2011.  In 2022 Dr Motley was presented with the British Association of Dermatologists’ ‘Dermatology Clinician of the Year, 2022’ award.